Hailsham Baptist Church Recordings

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Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Our God will fight for us Nehemiah 4:15-23 Roger Cook 20th October 2024 6.39 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Judgement on Idolatry Micah 1:1-7 Roger Cook 20th October 2024 7.18 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
In Christ we have Peace John16:33 Andrew Muwowo 13th October 2024 7.21 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
God Judges the Hard-hearted and Saves His People Exodus 10:21-29 Andrew Muwowo 13th October 2024 6.61 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
He is mine, and He is mine forever 1Peter 1:1-25 Bush Hogg 6th October 2024 7.06 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Nothing can enter Heaven that defiles Isaiah 52:13-14; 53:1-12 Bush Hogg 6th October 2024 7.58 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Coming Down - Bringing Out to Bring In Exodus 13:1-8,14,16,21-22 Bush Hogg 29th September 2024 9.32 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Coming Down - Bringing Out to Bring Up John 3:14-21,34-36 Bush Hogg 29th September 2024 7.74 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Preparing and Persevering in the face of Danger Nehemiah 4:6-18 Roger Cook 22nd September 2024 7.01 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Self-serving Hypocrisy and Sacrificial Devotion Mark 12:38-44 Roger Cook 22nd September 2024 6.96 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
How Christians should deal with Anxiety Psalm 55:22; 1Peter 5:7 David Ansell 15th September 2024 3.2 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Out of the Mire of Sin Jeremiah 38:1-13; Luke 8:26-39 David Ansell 15th September 2024 3.68 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Joy, Peace, Hope Romans 15:13 Keith Gilbert 8th September 2024 9.69 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
One God, Two Dwellings Isaiah 57:14-15 Keith Gilbert 8th September 2024 9.18 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Prayer and Perseverance Nehemiah 4:7-12 Roger Cook 1st September 2024 7.02 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Faithfulness, Integrity, and a Clear Conscience Genesis 39:1-23 Roger Cook 1st September 2024 7.22 MB
Evening Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Lessons from the Life and Character of Joseph (Pt 3) Genesis 39:1-23 Keith Mouland 25th August 2024 8.74 MB
Morning Sermon
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Lessons from the Life and Character of Joseph (Pt 4) Genesis 40:1-23 Keith Mouland 25th August 2024 6.88 MB
Evening Sermon
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